No captains of industry here, just captains of boats. Some big, some small....
Prawn: Monique K; FV Lauren Maya
Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery
Flathead: FV Silver Phoenix; FV Gail Jeannette; FV Noble Pearl; FV Explorer S
Commonwealth South Eastern Trawl Fishery
King George Whiting*: M224 Captain Jamie, M101 Captain Matthew (S); M037 Captain Peter; M217 Captain Mark; M478 Captain Matthew (F)
South Australian marine scale fishery - hook and line
Red Bight Fish* (Red Snapper/Nannygai): M310 Captain Troy; M478 Captain Matthew; M437 Captain Gavin
South Australian marine scale fishery - hook and line
*why do the Red Bight Fish and King George Whiting boats have serial numbers as names? Cos these boats are trailer boats. sometimes known as dingy's. Quite often this size boat has not been traditionally named. The number refers to its registered fishing vessel number which is how it is identified for tracebility and catch monitoring. These fishing licenses are all owner operated.
Contact Us
For all enquiries:
Melinda Dimitriades-Catt
managing director
ph: 0412 886 669